Showing posts with label OpenInviter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OpenInviter. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 July 2012

OpenInviter Demo

Before implement on website/Blog, Every one want to confirm that its work.
To check its working or not, for this you must have an account with email provider.

You want to import the Gmail contacts,
Password: your gmail password
Email Provider: select Gmail
Code: 576D02 (It will always new, It is know as captcha)
Click on "Import Contacts"

OpenInviter Demo

After submitting the form you will get data as below

Gmail contact Listing

You may face a problem while fetching data from gmail, if you have activate the second step verification in Gmail. to know more Click Here.

If you have activated then you have to submit the form with another password that is known as Application specific password (you have got when you have activated 2nd step vertification).
don't Remember, then Cick Here to know the gmail password.

What is OpenInviter

OpenInviter is free & let you import contacts from yahoo, gmail, rediff, MSN, AOL etc by entering the username & password. It take 5-10 min to integrate in your websites.

get contact list form

When we click on after filling detail, it show all the contacts store in your mail box. It will just return data in form of array of object( field's return Email, Name), depend of you how you display.

It provide the code to import contacts from followings website
  1. YouTube,
  2.  Evite,
  3.  Xing,
  5. Virgilio, 
  7.  IndiaTimes,
  8.  Bigstring, 
  9. Netaddress, 
  12. Aussiemail, 
  13. Interia, 
  14. 5Fm, 
  16. Canoe, 
  17. Yandex, 
  18. Mail2World, 
  19. Freemail,
  20.  Doramail,
  21.  Plaxo, 
  22. GMail, 
  23. KataMail, 
  24. Bordermail, 
  25. Walla, 
  26. O2, 
  27. Nz11,
  28.  Inet, 
  29. India, 
  30. Apropo, 
  32. Care2, 
  34. MSN, 
  35. Clevergo, 
  36. Gawab, 
  37. Lycos, 
  38. Kids, 
  39. Uk2, 
  40. Abv, 
  42. Azet, 
  43. AOL, 
  44. OperaMail, 
  45. Yahoo!, 
  47. Meta, 
  48. Pochta,
  49.  Hushmail,
  50. Terra, 
  51. Rediff,
  52.  Popstarmail,
  53.  Libero, 
  54. Rambler,
  55.  LinkedIn,
  56.  FastMail,
  57.  Zapakmail,
  58.  Live/Hotmail, 
  59. Atlas, Grafitti, 
  60. Techemail or social portals like Skyrock,
  61.  Orkut, 
  62. Xanga, 
  63. Mydogspace,
  64. Konnects,
  65.  Hyves,
  66. Fdcareer, 
  67. Mycatspace,
  69. Plazes, 
  70. Meinvz, 
  71. Eons, 
  72. Vimeo, 
  73. Friendfeed,
  74.  Flickr, 
  75. Brazencareerist, 
  76. Cyworld, 
  77. Kincafe, 
  78. Flixster, 
  79. Ning, 
  80. Livejournal, 
  81. Bookcrossing, 
  82. Facebook, 
  83. Perfspot, 
  84. Hi5, 
  85. Tagged, 
  86. Lovento, 
  87. Xuqa, 
  88. Badoo, 
  89. Koolro, 
  90. NetLog, 
  91. Mevio, 
  92. Flingr, 
  93. Famiva, 
  94. Vkontakte,
  95.  Faces, 
  96. Friendster, 
  97. Twitter, 
  98. Motortopia, 
  99. MySpace,
  100.  Plurk, 
  101. Multiply, 
  102. Bebo