Question: What is Relationships in MongoDb?
Relationships in MongoDb represent how various documents are related to each other.
For Example:
There are various documents like user, address, payment details etc.
Connection between these documents know as Relationships.
Question: What is Two type Relationships?
- Modeling Embedded Relationships
- Modeling Referenced Relationships
Question: What is Modeling Embedded Relationships?
In this Approach, we embed the one document into other.
For Example:
{ "_id":ObjectId("521234cd85242f436000007"), "contact": "987685555555", "dob": "01-01-1992", "name": "User1", "address": [ { "pincode": 160011, "city": "Mohali", }, { "pincode": 140301, "city": "Mohali", } ] }
We have added the both address in in user document.
Question: Modeling Referenced Relationships?
In this approach, We add the referenceId instead of whole document, thats why know as Referenced Relationships.
For Eample:
{ "_id":ObjectId("521234cd85242f436000007"), "contact": "987685555555", "dob": "01-01-1992", "name": "User1", "address": [ ObjectId("521234ce85242f436000001"), ObjectId("521234ce85242f436000002") ] }
Above is also know as Manual References because we put the RefereceId static.
Question: What is different between "Manual References" and "DBRefs References"?
Manual References
where you save the _id field of one document in another document as a reference know as Manual References.
Just see the above question for Example.
DBRefs References
References the one document with another using the value of first document's _id field, collection name, and database name.
Question: Explain the DBRefs References in detail?
There are three fields in DBRefs:
$ref: This field specifies the collection of the referenced document.
$id: This field specifies the _id field of the referenced document.
$db: Database name where referenced document lies. This is Optional.
{ "_id":ObjectId("521234cd85242f436000007"), "address": { "$ref": "address_home", "$id": ObjectId("521234cd85242f436000007"), "$db": "webtechnology"}, "contact": "987685555555", "dob": "01-01-1991", "name": "web-tech" }
Question: What is a Covered Query?
Covered query is a query in which all the "fields of Query" and "fields returned in the query" are same index.
For Example:
{ "_id":ObjectId("521234cd85242f436000007"), "address": { "$ref": "address_home", "$id": ObjectId("521234cd85242f436000007"), "$db": "webtechnology"}, "contact": "987685555555", "dob": "01-01-1991", "name": "web-tech" }
Add "Index"
If we are using below:
This is best example for Covered Query.
Question: How to Analyzing the queries in MongoDB?
$explain: The $explain operator provides information on the query, indexes and other statistics. For analyse the use just add .explain() at the end of query.
Question: What is use of $hint operator?
$hint: operator is used to forces the query optimizer to use the specified index to run a query.
It is useful when you want to test performance of a query with different indexes with applying the index in real.
Question: Does MongoDb provides atomic transactions?
Yes, but provides only for single document.
In this way, Either it update all fields or none.
db.myproducts.findAndModify({ query:{_id:2,product_available:{$gt:0}}, update:{ $inc:{product_available:-1}, $push:{product_bought_by:{customer:"webtech",date:"19-Jan-2014"}} } })
Question: How to add index on document?
Question: How to add index on sub document?