Question: What is npm install?
NPM is a NodeJS package manager. It is used to install the node programs.
Question: How to install NPM on windows?
Download MSI from for 32bit|64bit system.
Question: How to update NPM on windows?
npm install npmOR
Download Latest MSI from for 32bit|64bit system.
Question: How to install Ember using npm?
npm install -g ember-cli
Question: How to get to know the Version of Ember?
ember -v
Question: How to get the Version of node?
node -v
Question: How to create a new project?
ember new my-newproject
Question: How to go inside new project for execute project based commands?
cd my-newproject
Question: What are different commands available in ember-cli?
ember g route aboutIt will give you list of commands available for Ember.
Question: How to define view.?
Ember.View.create({ templateName: 'NameOfTemplate', });
Question: How to implement IF,ELSE,NOT in ember handlebar?
{{#unless isValid}} {{else}} {{/unless}}
Question: How to add/Delete data in Array?
//In JS App.obj = Ember.Object.create({ "things": Ember.A(["Testing1", "Testing2"]) }); App.obj.things.pushObject("3"); // Add data // HTML + Handlebars {{#with App.obj}}
{{#each things}}
- {{this}} {{/each}}
Question: Explain the core concept of EmberJS
- Store: It is central repository and cache of all records available in an application. It can be accessed by controller and admin.
- Models: A model is a class which defines the data of properties and behavior.
- Records: A record is an instance of a model which contains information that is loaded from a server.
- Adapter: It is responsible for translating requested records into the appropriate calls t
- Serializer: Translating JSON data into a record object.
- Automatic Caching:Used for caching
Question: What is Ember-data?
Ember-Data is a library that retrieve records from a server, store them, update them in the browser and save them back to the Server.
Question: What is Application Template?
Application Template have header, footer and contents which display on page. there can be many Template in one application.
Question: What is ember.mixin class?
Ember.mixin class can create objects, whose functions and properties can be shared among other instances and classes.