Monday, 30 November 2015

MongoDB Database Commands with Examples

mongoDB Database Commands with Examples

Question: Expalin the Basic terminology for MongoDB?
Database Database
Table Collection
Tuple/Row Document
column Field
Table Join Embedded Documents
Primary Key Primary Key (Default key _id provided by mongodb itself)
Mysqld/Oracle mongod
mysql/sqlplus mongo

Note: # used for commenting.

Question: Create a New database?
use mydb #switched to db mydb

Question: Check which database you are currently using?

Question: Display the List of databases?
show dbs #All database will display which have atleast 1 document.

Question: Delete the current database?
db.dropDatabase() #Delete the current used database.

Question: How to create collection for a database?
db.createCollection("mycollection") #create a collection for current selected database.

Question: Display the List of collections in database?
show collections #All collection will display for current database.

Question: How to drop the collection?
db.mycollection.drop() #mycollection collection will be deleted.

Question: How to delete all the records from mongodb ?

Question: How to delete all the records with condition?

Will delete all the record where uid=1111

Question: How to insert data(Know as document) into collection?
   _id: ObjectId(7df78ad89765),
   title: 'MongoDB Overview',    
   by: 'Web technology',   
   tags: ['mongodb', 'database', 'NoSQL'],   
#Single document is added in collection "mycollection" .

Question: How to add multiple document into collection in single command?
   title: 'MongoDB Overview',    
   by: 'Web technology',   
   tags: ['mongodb', 'database', 'NoSQL'],   
   title: 'MongoDB Overview2',    
   by: 'Web technology experts notes',   
   tags: ['mongodb', 'database', 'NoSQL' ,'Multiple Record'],   

Question: What is command for search a document? Give Example?
find() is used to search. For Example

db.mycollection.find()#Search the one document in un structured way .

Question: How to search a document in pretty way (structured way) ? Give Example?
pretty() is used to search in pretty way. For Example

db.mycollection.find({"by":"Web technology"}).pretty()#Search the one document in structured way .

Question: How to search a document with "and condition"?
db.mycollection.find({"by":"Web technology",{"title": "MongoDB Overview"}}).pretty()#Search the one document in structured way .

Question: How to list first 10 document?
db.mycollection.find({"by":"Web technology",{"title": "MongoDB Overview"}}).limit(10).pretty()#Search the 10 document in structured way .

Question: How to get 2nd document?
db.mycollection.find({"by":"Web technology",{"title": "MongoDB Overview"}}).limit(1).skip(1).pretty()#Search the 10 document in structured way .

Question: How to list document with title ascending order?
db.mycollection.find({"by":"Web technology",{"title": "MongoDB Overview"}}).sort({"title":1}).pretty()#Search the in title ascending order.

Question: How to search document in title descending order?
db.mycollection.find({"by":"Web technology",{"title": "MongoDB Overview"}}).sort({"title":-1}).pretty()#Search the in title descending order. 

Question: How to Add indexing?
db.mycollection.ensureIndex({"title":1,"description":-1})#title in ascending order and description in descending order.To create index in descending order you need to use -1. 

Question: How to search a document with "OR condition"?
db.mycollection.find({"by":"Web technology",$or[{"title": "MongoDB Overview"}]}).pretty()#Search the one document in structured way .

Question: How to update a document?
db.mycollection.update({'title':'MongoDB Overview'},{$set:{'title':'MongoDB text'}})#update "MongoDB Overview" with "MongoDB text " .

Question: How to delete a document?
db.mycollection.remove({'title':'MongoDB Overview'})#Delete the record where document is 'MongoDB Overview' .

Find all records
Display all the records in this collection.

Find all records and display in pretty way
Display all the records in this collection but presentable way.

Find all records with single condition (Age: 29)
Display all the records where age=29.

Find all records with multiple AND condition (Age: 29, Number:17)
db.mycollection.find({age:29, number:17});
Display all the records where age=29 and number=17

Find all records with multiple OR condition (Age: 29 OR Number:17)
Display all the records where age=29 OR number=17 (each of one).

Find all records with multiple OR condition (Age>28 OR Number:17)
Display all the records where age>29 and number=17

Find all records and display and one display column (name)
Display all the name in this collections.

Find all records and display and two display column (name and number)
Display all the name and number in this collections.

Limit the number of record
Display only 3 records.

Display all the records except 1,2,3
Skip first 3 records.