Question: What is Braintree Marketplace?
Braintree Marketplace is platform where it enables you to split payments from customers between your marketplace and your sellers or providers.
Question: Is split payments free in Braintree Marketplace?
Yes, Braintree does not charge extra for split payment.
Question: What is Transaction cost?
2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.
Question: Is there any monthly fees?
No, There is no monthly fees. Also there is no hidden cost.
Question: In which country market place is available?
Currently Its available in USA only.
Question: What Compatibility should be for Marketplace?
Merchant accounts need to be approved by Braintree for use with Marketplace.
Master merchant and sub-merchants must be domiciled in the US and receive funding in USD.
Question: What are useful terminology for Marketplace?
Master merchant: The Marketplace owner
Sub-merchant: Sellers who will receive money along with marketplace owner.
Service fee: Amount getting by sellers.
Escrow: An option that allows you to hold funds through our banking partner until you decide to disburse them; at disbursement.
Webhooks: Notifications sent to your server that indicate whether a merchant was successfully onboarded OR there was a problem disbursing funds.
Question: What information do I need to get from Seller OR Sub-merchant?
You need to get the billing/account information along with basic details.
Following are information which you need to pass in API to create sub-merchant on the behalf of main merchant.
$result = Braintree_MerchantAccount::create( [ 'individual' => [ 'firstName' => 'Jane', 'lastName' => 'Doe', 'email' => '', 'phone' => '5553334444', 'dateOfBirth' => '1981-11-19', 'ssn' => '456-45-4567', 'address' => [ 'streetAddress' => '111 Main St', 'locality' => 'Chicago', 'region' => 'IL', 'postalCode' => '60622' ] ], 'business' => [ 'legalName' => 'Jane Ladders', 'dbaName' => 'Jane Ladders', 'taxId' => '98-7654321', 'address' => [ 'streetAddress' => '111 Main St', 'locality' => 'Chicago', 'region' => 'IL', 'postalCode' => '60622' ] ], 'funding' => [ 'descriptor' => 'Blue Ladders', 'destination' => Braintree_MerchantAccount::FUNDING_DESTINATION_BANK, 'email' => '', 'mobilePhone' => '5555555555', 'accountNumber' => '1123581321', 'routingNumber' => '071101307' ], 'tosAccepted' => true, 'masterMerchantAccountId' => "master_merchant_account_id", 'id' => "blue_ladders_store" ] );
Response of above code:
Braintree_Result_Successful Object ( [success] => 1 [_returnObjectNames:Braintree_Result_Successful:private] => Array ( [0] => merchantAccount ) [_attributes] => Array ( ) [merchantAccount] => Braintree_MerchantAccount Object ( [_attributes] => Array ( [status] => pending [id] => arun_kumar [masterMerchantAccount] => Braintree_MerchantAccount Object ( [_attributes] => Array ( [status] => active [id] => zz62xd782mdfhrzb [currencyIsoCode] => USD [subMerchantAccount] => ) ) [currencyIsoCode] => USD [subMerchantAccount] => 1 ) ) )
Question: How to send money to sub-merchant when customer pay?
$result = Braintree_Transaction::sale([ 'merchantAccountId' => 'submerchant_account_id', 'amount' => '10.00', 'paymentMethodNonce' => nonceFromTheClient, 'serviceFeeAmount' => "1.00" //this amt will be transfered to main merchnat ]);
Question: What is maximum limit for transaction?
Its more than $80K monthly. But if you are doing much more transaction, you need to contact braintree.
Question: What is Chargeback?
Customer paid for the item and money is deduct from his bank.
After some time customer disputes a transaction to get deducted money, because he get issue is delivered product or becuase of any issue know as chargeback.