Question: What html tags are allowed by
Following HTML Tags are allowed in
address, a, abbr, acronym, area, article, aside, b, big, blockquote, br, caption, cite, class, code, col, del, details, dd, div, dl, dt, em, figure, figcaption, footer, font, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, li, map, ol, p, pre, q, s, section, small, span, strike, strong, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, tt, u, ul, var
Question: Can we add javascript in
No, You can add.
script Tags are not allowed.
Question: How to embed youtube video?
Just add following code in post.
Question: Give list of URL which videos is allowed by
YouTube Vimeo DailyMotion Flickr (both videos and images) Viddler Hulu Qik Revision3 Scribd Photobucket PollDaddy Google Video (only VideoPress-type videos for the time being) SmugMug (WordPress 3.0+) (WordPress 3.0+)