Question: How to make twitter bootstrap menu dropdown on hover rather than click?
ul.nav li.dropdown:hover > ul.dropdown-menu { display: block; }
Question: How can I make Bootstrap columns all the same height??
.row { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .row > [class*='col-'] { display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
Question: What is sr-only in Bootstrap 3??
It is class used to hide information intended only for screen readers from the layout of the rendered page.
Question: How to disallow twitter bootstrap modal window from closing?
Question: What are different 4 tiers in twitter bootstrap?
- Extra small devices like smartphones (.col-xs-*)
- Small devices like tablets(.col-sm-*)
- Medium devices like laptops (.col-md-*)
- large devices like laptops/desktops(.col-lg-*)
Question: How to use media queries in twitter bootstrap 3?
@media(max-width:767px){} @media(min-width:768px){} @media(min-width:992px){} @media(min-width:1200px){}
Question: How to use media queries in twitter bootstrap 4?
@media(min-width:34em){} @media(min-width:48em){} @media(min-width:62em){} @media(min-width:75em){}
Question: What is an em?
An em is a unit in the field of typography, One em is equal to the 16 point size.
Question: How to open a Bootstrap modal?
$('#myModalId').modal('toggle'); $('#myModalId').modal('show'); $('#myModalId').modal('hide');
Question: How to make responsive image with align center?
.img-responsive { margin: 0 auto; }
Question: How to create Confirm box before deleting modal/dialog?
Add data-target="#confirm-delete-id" in A tag
Delete record #203
Add HTML for confirmation box
Question: How to disabled the button?
$('#buttonId').prop('disabled', true);