Display the list of files in directory.
Files will be list in Group by extension like PDF, JPG and PHP etc.
Also list the files with sizes in Kilo Bytes.
Code Snippet
$path = 'E:\wamp\www\project\public_html\images'; $files = scandir($path); $files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..')); $groupFiles=array(); foreach($files as $file){ $keyName=$extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if(empty($extension)){ $keyName='directory'; } $keyName=strtolower($keyName); $groupFiles[$keyName][]=$file; } echo '
{$fileExtention} | ";
echo "";
foreach($files as $file){
$fileSize= filesize($path.'\\'.$file);
echo $file.' ('.(number_format($fileSize/1024,0)).' KB)';echo " "; } echo " | ";
echo "
jpg | TALENT-LOGO.JPG (41 KB) backImg.jpg (1,667 KB) backImg1.jpg (490 KB) backImg2.jpg (336 KB) backImg3.jpg (51 KB) default.jpg (2 KB) drexel-bg.jpg (99 KB) flashUpdate.jpg (26 KB) powerpitchlogo.jpg (23 KB) robert-bg.jpg (100 KB) smlogoborder.jpg (29 KB) videoThumb.jpg (60 KB) |
png | assets-tour-page.png (15 KB) buttons-navigation.png (16 KB) chat.png (267 KB) clock-icon.png (5 KB) close.png (2 KB) columbia-bg.png (21 KB) email-share.png (3 KB) facebook-icon-chat.png (1 KB) facebook-share-button.png (14 KB) fb-login.png (2 KB) globeIcon.png (2 KB) icons_sprite.png (13 KB) img_close.png (2 KB) imsa-footer.png (12 KB) imsa-header.png (11 KB) island.png (65 KB) large-be-right-back-final.png (21 KB) logo-power-grey.png (4 KB) logo-power-white.png (3 KB) new-geo-logo.png (6 KB) pause-image.png (9 KB) playButtonThumb.png (6 KB) playButtonThumb1.png (9 KB) please-stand-by.png (1,076 KB) power-geo-logo.png (6 KB) powered-by-georama-white.png (2 KB) powered-by-georama.png (2 KB) rsvp.png (22 KB) scroll-icons.png (2 KB) sendMsgBtn.png (2 KB) shareIcon.png (1 KB) top-down-arrow.png (1 KB) tw-sign-up.png (3 KB) tweetbutton.png (7 KB) twitter-icon-chat.png (1 KB) verShadow.png (2 KB) virtual-tour-assets.png (18 KB) |
gif | btn_buynowCC_LG.gif (4 KB) clear.gif (1 KB) loading.gif (4 KB) |
directory | email (4 KB) fileUpload (0 KB) guides (0 KB) ohio (4 KB) sign-in-forms (4 KB) sign-up-forms (4 KB) survey (4 KB) tourImage (0 KB) tours (0 KB) |