Question: What is Shortcode in Wordpress?
A shortcode is code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort.
Question: What is use Shortcode in Wordpress?
Shortcodes can be embed in post Or page which can do lot of things like Image Gallery, Video listing etc.
Question: Give a simple Shortcode example?
It would add photo gallery of images attached to that post or page.
Question: What is Shortcode API in Wordpress?
Shortcode API is set of functions for creating shortcodes in Page and Post.
The Shortcode API also support attributes like below:
[gallery id="123" size="large"]
Question: What is name of function which is used to register a shortcode handler?
It has two parameter.
first is shortcode name and second callback function. For Example:
add_shortcode( 'shortcode', 'shortcode_handler' );
Question: How many parameter can be passed in callback function?
- $atts - an associative array of attributes.
- $content - the enclosed content
- $tag - the shortcode tag, useful for shared callback functions
Question: How to create shortcode in wordpress? Give working example? Create Shortcode
function testdata_function() { return 'This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data.'; } add_shortcode('testdata', 'testdata_function');
Use Shortcode
Question: How to create shortcode with attributes in wordpress? Give working example?
Create Shortcode
function testdata_function($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'header' => 'This is default heading', 'footer' => 'This is default footer', ), $atts)); return ''.$header.' This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. '.$footer.''; } add_shortcode('testdata', 'testdata_function');
Use Shortcode
[testdata header="Custom Heading" footer="Custom footer"]
Question: How to create shortcode with in wordpress? Give working example?
Create Shortcode
function testdata_function($attr, $content) { return $content.' This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data. This is testing data.'; } add_shortcode('testdata', 'testdata_function');
Use Shortcode
[testdata]This is content[/testdata]
Question: What to do if Ampersand (i.e &) converted to &?
Use html_entity_decode function (PHP inbuilt function).
Question: How to use meta tags in shortcode?
If you want to add meta tags in head tag. then use below function.
add_action('wp_head', 'add_meta_tags'); function add_meta_tags() { echo ''; }