Question: How to bind Objects to Forms in ZF2?
$contact = new ArrayObject; $contact['subject'] = '[Form] '; $contact['message'] = 'Message'; $form = new Contact\ContactForm; /** This way we can bind the object to form **/ $form->bind($contact);
Question: What happen when we bind an objects to Forms in ZF2?
- The composed Hydrator calls extract() on the object
- When isValid() is called and setData() is not called before, Hydrator extract values from the form object and do validation.
Question: How to create new Element in Form Object?
$form = new Zend\Form\Form() //Add new element in form $form->add(array( 'type' => 'Email', 'name' => 'email' ));
Question: How to extend existing form?
namespace Application\Form; use Zend\Form\Form; class MyNewForm extends Form{ public function __construct($name = null){ parent::__construct($name); $this->add(array( 'name' => 'phone', 'type' => 'text', )) } }
Question: How to create form elements using Form Manager?
$formManager = $this->serviceLocator->get('FormElementManager'); $form = $formManager->get('Application\Form\CreatePhotoAlbum');
Question: How to create form elements and add in Form?
use Zend\Form\Element; use Zend\Form\Form; $checkboxElement = new Element\Checkbox('checkbox'); $checkboxElement->setLabel('Are you indian'); $checkboxElement->setUseHiddenElement(true); $checkboxElement->setCheckedValue("yes"); $checkboxElement->setUncheckedValue("No");
Question: How to add Filter in Form?
$form = new Form\CommentForm(); $form->setInputFilter(new Form\CommentFilter());
Question: How to add validation while creating a form?
use Zend\Form\Element; use Zend\Form\Form; $month = new Element\Month('month'); $month->setLabel('Month')->setAttributes(array( 'min' => '2015-01', 'max' => '2017-01', 'step' => '1', // interval is 1 month )); $formObject = new Form('my-form'); $formObject->add($month);
Question: What are Form elements available in Zend Framework2?
Button Captcha Checkbox Collection Csrf File Hidden Image Month Select MultiCheckbox Password Radio Select Submit Text Textarea Color Date DateTime DateTimeLocal Email Month Number Range Time Url Week
Question: How to display form in view phtml file?
In controller set the form.
$this->view->form = $formObject;
In View render the form.
echo $this->form;
Question: How to add input filter in Zend Form?
$inputFilterObj = new InputFilter(); $inputFilterObj->->add([ 'name' => 'profileimage', 'type' => '\Zend\InputFilter\FileInput', 'required' => false, 'allow_empty' => true, 'priority' => 300, 'filters' => [ ['name' => 'StripTags'], ['name' => 'StringTrim'], ], 'validators' => [ [ 'name' => '\Zend\Validator\File\IsImage', ], [ 'name' => '\Zend\Validator\File\UploadFile', ], [ 'name' => '\Zend\Validator\File\ImageSize', 'options' => [ 'minWidth' => 150, 'minHeight' => 120, ] ], [ 'name' => '\Zend\Validator\File\Size', 'options' => [ 'max' => '2MB', ] ], ] ]);
Question: How to make filed readonly in zend form?
$mobile = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('Name'); $mobile->setLabel('mobile') ->addFilter('StripTags') ->addFilter('StringTrim') ->setOptions(array('class' => 'full-width')) ->setAttrib('rows', 2) ->getDecorator(('label'))->setOption('tag', 'span') ->setAttrib('readonly', 'true');;