In websites, We send email to our clients for Following:
- Registration Email
- Forget Password
- Change Password
- Notification Email
- Newsletter
- Order completed
- Order In transist
- Order deliver Successfully
Following code, Which can be used to send email in Zend-Framework (HTML EMAIL).
/** Must fill Following detail * */ $emailTo = ''; $emailToName = 'receipts Name'; /** Must fill Following detail * */
$emailSubject = 'This is subject'; $emailBody = 'This is HTML Email Body'; $fromEmail = '';
try { $config = array( 'ssl' => 'tls', 'auth' => 'login', 'username' => 'SMTP_USERNAME', 'password' => 'SMTP_PASSWORD' ); $transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp('SMTP_HOST', $config); $mail = new Zend_Mail(); $mail->setBodyHtml($emailBody); $mail->setFrom($fromEmail); $mail->addTo($emailTo, $emailToName); $mail->setSubject($emailSubject);
if ($mail->send($transport)) { echo 'Sent successfully'; } else { echo 'unable to send email'; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
Above code is For html email, You can use html tags like bold, italic, table etc for sending rich text email.