Wordpress is opensource content management system where you can add/update/delete contents from admin section. Content may be text, images or videos etc.
Because it is opensource, so you can update the code at free of cost. Wordpress built on PHP/MySQL/javascript (which is also an Open Source) and licensed under GPL. You can create different types of websites whether it is personal / commercial website. Today most of developer prefer wordpress as its easy to install and millions of plugins, themes are available over internet at free of cost & you can do customization.
Question: What is Wordpress?
Wordpress is Content Management System which have robust admin section. From Admin section you can manage the website text/html, image & videos etc. You can easily manage pages & posts. You can set meta title, meta description & meta keywords for each post. It gives you full control over post & pages .
Question: Is Wordpress opensource?
Yes, Wordpress is opensource and you can do customization as per your requirement. Wordpress is built in PHP/MySql/javascript/jQuery which is also an opensource.
Question: What is current stable version of wordpress?
4.1 released in November 20, 2014
Question: What kind of website can I build with WordPress?
WordPress was originally developed as a blogging in 2003 but now it has been changed a lot. you can create personal website as well as commercial website.
Following types of websites can be built in wordpress:
- Informative Website
- Personal Website
- Photo Gallery
- Business Website
- E-Commerce website
- Blogging
Question: From where you can download plugins?
Question: From where you can download themes?
Question: What is Hooks in wordpress?
Hooks allow user to create WordPress theme or plugin with shortcode without changing the original files.
Question: What are the types of hooks in WordPress?
Following are two types of hooks
A) Action hooks: This hooks allow you to insert an additional code.
B) Filter hooks: Filter hooks will only allow you to add a content or text at the end of the post.
Question: What are positive aspects of wordpress?
- Easy to install and upgrade the wordpress
- In-built SEO engine and you can manage the URL and meta data as per your requirement.
- Easy to themes and plugins
- Multilingual available in more than 70 languages
- Can be do customization as per requirement
- Lots of free/paid themes/plugin available
Question: What is the default prefix of wordpress tables?
wp_ is the prefix for wordpress but you can change at the time of installation.
Question: What is WordPress loop?
The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts.
Question: What are the template tags in WordPress?
Template tags is a code that instructs WordPress to "do" or "get" something
Question: What are meta tags in wordpress?
Meta-tags are keywords and description used to display website.
Question: How to secure your wordpress website?
- Install security plug-ins like WP security
- Change password of super admin OR other admin
- Add security level checks at server level like folder/file permission.
Question: How many tables a default WordPress will have?
Following are main table in wordpress:
- wp_commentmeta
- wp_comments
- wp_links
- wp_options
- wp_postmeta
- wp_posts
- wp_terms
- wp_term_relationships
- wp_term_taxonomy
- wp_usermeta
- wp_users
Question: How to hide the top admin bar at the frontend in WordPress?
Add following code functions.php
add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');
Question: How to hide Directory Browsing in WordPress from server?
Add following code in htaccess file
Options -Indexes
Question: How to display custom field in wordpress?
echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'keyName', true);
Question: How to run database Query in WordPress?
$wpdb->query("select * from $wpdb->posts where ID>10 ");
Question: What types of hooks in wordpress is used?
1)Following are Actions hooks:.
has_action() add_action() do_action() do_action_ref_array() did_action() remove_action() remove_all_actions()
2)Following are Filters hooks .
has_filter() add_filter() apply_filters() apply_filters_ref_array() current_filter() remove_filter() remove_all_filters()
Question: How can you backup your WordPress content?
WordPress admin -> Tools -> Import
Question: List most commonly functions used in wordpress?
- wp_nav_menu() :- Displays a navigation menu.
- is_page() :- to check if this is page OR NOT, will return boolean value.
- get_the_excerpt() :- Copy the excerpt of the post into a specified variable.
- in_category() :- Check if the specified post is assigned to any of the specified categories OR not.
- the_title():- Displays the title of the post in website.
- the_content():- Displays the contents of the post in website.
Question: What are the file structure in wordpress.
Following are main files which used in wordpress
- index.php :- for index page.
- search.php :- For display the search result page.
- single.php :- for single post page.
- page.php :- display the static pages.
- category.php :- Display the category page.
- tag.php :- For display the tags page.
- author.php :- For display author page.
- taxonomy.php :- For display the taxonomy archive.
- attachment.php :- For managing the single attachments page.
- header.php :- For managing top part of page.
- footer.php :- For manage bottom part of pages.
- archive.php :- For archive page display.
- 404.php :- For display 404 error page.