How to call another action from another Controller
How to access variables in elements/header.phtml which is set in layout?
Just set the value before the render
$this->newVariable = $value;//Now you can access $this->newVariable in header.phtml $this->render('elements/header.phtml');
How we can we get all parameter value in layout/view?
$objData = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParams();
Question: How to change the viewScriptPath from controller?
How to change the Layout path from controller?
How can Zend Db be used to update multiple tables using joins?
class Application_Model_SurveyLogs extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'survey_logs'; protected $_primary = 'id'; function updateWithMultipleJoin(){ $this->getAdapter()->query('UPDATE survey_questions AS sq,survey_logs as sl SET WHERE;'); } }