Question: How to create readonly file?
touch fileName.txt chmod 400 fileName.txt
Question: How to get the OS in unix?
uname -a
Question: How do you know if a remote host is alive or not?
ping telnet
Question: How to copy from one host to another host?
scp username@hostname:/foldername
Question: How do you find which process is taking how much CPU?
Question: How do you check how much space left in current drive
Question: How to Restart Apache over the SSH?
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Question: How to Stop Apache over the SSH?
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
Question: How to Start Apache over the SSH?
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
Question: How to Restart Httpd over the SSH?
service httpd restart
Question: How to Stop Httpd over the SSH?
service httpd stop
Question: How to Start Httpd over the SSH?
service httpd start
Question: Import database from sql file to mysql?
mysql –u username –p databasename tablename < sqlfilename.sql
Question: How to delete ALL files including sub directory in current directory with prompting each time?
rm –r *
Question: How to display first 7 lines of file?
head -7 fileName.txt
Question: How to display Last 7 lines of file?
head -7 fileName.txt
Question: How to reverse a string in unix?
echo "Web technology expert notes" | rev
Question: How to unzip a file in Linux?
unzip –j
Question: How to test if a zip file is corrupted in Linux?
unzip –t
Question: How to find hidden files in current directory?
ls -lrta
Question: How to check if a file is zipped in Unix?
file file.txt //file.txt: ASCII text
Question: How to check all the running processes in Unix?
ps –ef
Question: find all files in current and subdirectories which contains 'webtechnology' name?
find . -name 'webtechnology'
Question: How to make any script file executable?
chmod 755 *.sh
Question: How to kill process in unix server?
kill -9 #pid